Low Carbon Transport (LCT)

It is widely accepted that transport is one of the main drivers for the increase in GHGs. Globally, transport is responsible for estimated 13% of GHGs. Increase in transport emissions has been attributed mainly to increasing numbers of light duty vehicles (passenger cars and smaller road freight vehicles) and heavy goods vehicles (larger road freight vehicles). 

Development is likely be accompanied by some negative environmental impacts, including an increase in carbon emissions. Our approach is simply to deploy new low carbon solutions. 

Some countries have adopted a ‘greenway’ approach to highway and road development - where landscape around road projects is protected so as to maximize on the value of non-monetary benefits of the landscape - i.e. recreation, ecotourism, ecosystem conservation etc. Building on this concept, the LCT includes systems to both reduce carbon emissions (through energy efficiency and cleaner fuels) and offset carbon emissions (through sequestration and conservation projects), seeking no net gains in the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere.

Low Carbon Cool Chain (LCCC)

Cool chain consume a lot of energy and waste unnecessary resources during transport. Current cool chain industry is changing rapidly, and demand for new technology is immediate. 

We Serve Partners Worldwide

If you have a low carbon technology, product, or service and want to show it off, we invite you to join the CEC platform.

Sustainable Cool Chain

Study Finds Half of Multinationals Will Choose Low Carbon Suppliers

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Electric Vehicle Grand Challenge Targets Technology and Cost Breakthroughs

LCTS Projects

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New DOT/EPA fuel efficiency and GHG emissions improvement program for medium/heavy-duty vehicles

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